Do testosterone supplements really work? is a question that gets asked all the time. In this article, we’ll uncover many misconceptions when it comes to using T-Boosters.
We know what you’re thinking...”how can a natural supplement increase my testosterone levels, isn’t testosterone only increased with steroids?”
The answer to that my friend is no! Natural testosterone supplements DO work, and they do a pretty good job too.
Let’s get into everything you’ll need to know when it comes to how testosterone supplements work.
Inside this article you’ll learn:
- Do testosterone supplements actually work?
- How do T-boosters work?
- Will a T-Booster increase libido and testosterone levels?
- What are the main ingredients?
- Can they help you build muscle mass?
- What to look for when buying an effective T booster
- Everything you need to know about dosage
- Side effects: What are they and how can you avoid them?
- The best testosterone boosters we tested that you can buy
What the f*#k is testosterone anyway?
Testosterone is a steroid hormone that is produced naturally in the human body. In men, it’s made in the testes, and in women the ovaries, but in much smaller amounts.
Testosterone’s main features can be commonly seen in males. These include such things as facial hair, lean muscle mass, confidence, alertness, energy, and on occasion – aggressiveness.
However, that doesn’t mean women cannot benefit from some of these traits – and we’re not talking about facial hair.
In women, normal amounts of testosterone will provide the following: Increased strength, more energy, vitality, productivity, and yes, an increased sex drive.
However, for a woman to start growing huge bulging muscles (or facial hair) they would have to inject large amounts of synthetic testosterone for this to ever happen – ruling out any concerns when using natural and safe T-Boosters for women.
Inversely, a lack of testosterone will result in a poor sex drive, lack of quality sleep, weight gain, depression, reduced strength, and less overall recovery from exercise etc. for both men and women.
So, it’s important to know how to boost your testosterone levels for your overall health naturally. Meaning you do so in a safe and controlled way.
That’s what we’ll get into in this next section.
Do Testosterone Supplements Really Work? If So, How?
This is the mother of all questions,“do testosterone supplements really work?” The short answer to that is, yes and no. Let us explain…
This all depends on what ingredients you use when aiming to boost your testosterone levels. Simply put, your body will only react to what it is being given.
Some will aid in the increase of testosterone, and others will only increase libido. There are actually ingredients out there that’ll do nothing at all – luckily SpotMeBro will help you steer clear of these.
Libido & Testosterone: Aren’t they the same thing?
Ingredients that will increase libido are properties such as fenugreek, and Tribulus.
These two ingredients work to enhance your sexual desire, which may lead to you thinking:“Hey, my testosterone levels are increasing!” However, this is not necessarily the case.
Fenugreek and Tribulus will work to give you a ‘lift’ that’s for sure. But, they do not directly enhance your testosterone production.
The reason for this is; they’re not assigned to help your body increase the production of testosterone naturally in your body. But, they WILL work to make you feel more aroused with an increased sexual desire.
On the other hand, there are ingredients such as D-Aspartic Acid (DAA for short). These will help your body convert cholesterol into testosterone in the testis.
It’s not the ingredients themselves that contain testosterone. It’s when the ingredients mix with existing elements in your body that causes a spike in testosterone.
When DAA passes through the digestive pathways, it works to improve and enhance the chemical process that converts fats (more specifically cholesterol) into testosterone.
This process already exists in your body naturally, but for whatever reason; possibly due to stress, being overweight etc. this process may have been ‘blunted’. That’s where testosterone supplements can help.
– See more T-Booster benefits here –
“What does a Testo Booster do to your Body?”
Before I can answer that question, we must make it clear that not all testosterone supplements are created equal.
Some are classified as libido enhancers (which often only contain one ingredient), and the others are T-Boosters.
Now, without going too deeply into the science of everything, a testosterone booster will assist your body in areas where you might be lacking.
As everyone’s life is different. From the foods we eat, the stress we experience, and our lifestyles; will all have an impact on how a testosterone booster will affect us individually.
But, as a general rule, a testosterone booster will fill in the gaps where you need it the most. Such as; an increased amount of energy, strength, confidence, muscle mass, and yes – libido!
Boost libido & testosterone
The mixture of ingredients such as vitamin D, and D-Aspartic Acid work together to enhance your libido, and your ‘free‘ testosterone production.
This is especially important for men over 30. As this is when your testosterone levels will start to take a huge nose dive – especially if you’re overweight, or if you have a poor quality lifestyle with high amounts of stress etc.
More energy
It’s no secret that low energy levels are linked to decreased amounts of testosterone. Therefore, it’s important for men, and women to have adequate amounts of free-flowing testosterone in their body. This optimal hormonal balance will produce more alertness, and a lust for life (and for other things if you get my meaning).
Vitamin D, K, and B, are all commonly found in testosterone supplements. Together they help balance hormone levels, increasing your overall energy after supplementation for at least one month.
Decreased body fat
As your testosterone levels start to drop, so does your ability to burn body fat. The less testosterone you have, the more likely you are to have an increased waist circumference.
Below we have a piece of text from www.sciencedaily.com that clearly explains the link between being overweight and low testosterone levels:
“Researcher Dr Jean-Marc Kaufman said: “Body fat composition is influenced by environmental factors such as diet and exercise, but is also strongly controlled by genes. There is a well-established relationship between testosterone and body fat composition, which we have now shown is a result of shared genetic regulation”
What’s Inside a Testosterone Supplement?
Now we’ve talked about some of the most common benefits, and misconceptions surroundings testosterone boosters, let’s talk about the main ingredients you’ll find in T-Boosters.
Vitamin D
known as the sunshine vitamin. Vitamin D is directly linked to the increase of energy in the body, and more importantly – testosterone. When 7-dehydrocholesterol reacts with ultraviolet light, is when it begins the production of testosterone.
Vitamin K
Not many people know this, but vitamin K is linked to the increase of sperm plasma, including the overall levels of testosterone.
It also helps prevent the calcification of arteries, which proves to be a benefit for blood-flow to all areas of the body – if you catch my drift!
Vitamin B
Vitamin B helps to regulate hormones, as it increases the delivery and uptake of key nutrients. Including other minerals throughout the whole body. While at the same time, supplying your body with a healthy boost of energy.
D-Aspartic Acid
As we’ve already touched on, D-Aspartic Acid works to improve the process of breaking down cholesterol to be created into testosterone.
Not only that, D-Aspartic Acid can also increase levels of Human Growth Hormone (HGH), helping to rejuvenate damaged cells, and burn fat simultaneously.
This is no ordinary cooking ingredient. Fenugreek has been shown to improve testosterone levels significantly after a 6 week period.
Numerous benefits have been linked to fenugreek, not only testosterone production. Such as; improved digestion, blood flow, increase muscle mass, mental clarity, and improving sleep disorders to name a few.
A study carried out showed that supplementing with fenugreek improved body composition, strength, and testosterone levels:
“The authors concluded that 500 mg of daily AI supplementation significantly affected percent body fat, total testosterone, and bio-available testosterone compared with a placebo in a double-blind fashion.”
Ginseng can not only boost your libido and sexual performance (and satisfaction). It can also improve your overall well-being, mood, cardiovascular health and sperm quality.
Magnesium, when combined zinc is a key player in producing testosterone. In a study of two groups (trained and untrained individuals) showed that supplementing with magnesium increased overall free levels of testosterone in the body.
Also, when taken with zinc, it can dramatically improve sleep. Its’ well researched and proves this combination increases levels of deep sleep – deep sleep = more testosterone.
Just like with magnesium, zinc plays an important role in improving the overall levels of serum in men.
It’s recorded that a lack of zinc is widespread around the world in people’s diets, ranging from moderate to severe – it’s one of the most common minerals lacking in society today.
Zinc is one of the most ‘miss looked’ minerals when it comes to improving testosterone levels.
Tribulus is originally known as a libido enhancer. While it may not directly improve your testosterone levels, it will, on the other hand, give your libido and sexual desire a healthy lift.
However, this ingredient may be controversial for some, as long-term use may suggest a link to aggravating prostate cancer. But more studies need to be done to prove this.
How Long do Testosterone Supplements Last?
This is a very good question, and here’s why…
Most people don’t actually realize that testosterone boosters can have a positive impact long after you finish taking the product, as you can see in this study here.
However, these positive effects will eventually subside if regular supplementation is not continued.
In a study carried out in Italy, subjects used 3 grams of DAA (D-Aspartic Acid) daily for 12 days – it concluded that an average of 42% increase in testosterone levels was recorded throughout participants.
DAA may likewise benefit sperm quality and production too. Research has shown that men with impaired sperm production who took DAA experienced a doubled sperm count, rising from 8.2 million sperm per mL to 16.5 million sperm per mL.
Benefits of Testosterone Supplements
Let’s recap on the many benefits you’ll experience when using testosterone boosters.
Apart from increasing your testosterone levels, you’ll also feel a healthy energy boost with improved sleep, a better mood, and an improved uptake of minerals from foods.
Benefits of T Boosters:
- Increased testosterone levels
- Boosted energy
- Reduced body fat
- A better sense of well being
Buying a Testosterone Boosters that Works
To find a testosterone booster that works there are a few simple tips and tricks. This ensures you don’t get scammed and only make real and natural gains.
If you get the wrong supplement, you don’t only risk losing out on that hard earned cash, but also could end up with some nasty, unwanted side effects.
You’re probably not going to get webbed feet or anything. But, stomach upsets, skin irritations, and headaches are all common features of a risky test booster supplement.
So stick with these guidelines, and you’ll be able to safely supplement your way to sky-high T. Not only will your body thank you for it, but your body will too.
#1 Buy Natural
Simple. If you want a product that can be supplemented for a longer period of time and that actually works you need to be buying a natural supplement.
Natural ingredients perform better overall and have far less chance of causing unwanted side effects or weird reactions. Do you really want to be ingesting some sort of lab-made experiment?
You also know when you’re buying something natural, it’s legal and made somewhere clean. Not in some jacked up Bro’s dirty living room.
#2 Check the studies
If the product you are looking at is worth the money they are charging it’ll be written on the website. But if you still can’t find the studies to back up the claims made by a testosterone booster, check websites like examine.com and NCBI.
#3 Check for endorsements
People won’t put their name to products they won’t believe that work. Or at least credible people won’t anyway. One way to check a product is legit is to see if any athletes or other figures are behind it.
#4 Testimonials / Reviews
Last but certainly not least on this list. Look to see what other customers are saying online about a product. OR, one better than that, has the company got any before and after photos of the product
working? The proof is in the pudding. So go and find it.
Testosterone Booster Servings
One thing that varies massively between different testosterone boosters in the serving size.
Using a blend of natural and proven products is good, but those ingredients need to be dosed correctly and follow and effective serving pattern.
Generally, a testosterone booster that works will use a serving size of 3 or 4 capsules spread evenly through the day. Why?
Nutrient Partitioning
Well, every time you ingest anything, be it a piece of chicken or doughnut, your body uses a process that’s called nutrient partitioning.
This process basically means your body will split up what you’ve taken and utilize it in the correct way.
When you have a testosterone booster that has a serving size of 4 capsules per day, your body can use more it’s contents as it’s been given longer to split the ingredients up.
This means that you’ll be spending longer processing each nutrient and creating a better anabolic environment for testosterone production.
Avoiding Testosterone Booster Side Effects
A huge part of choosing a supplement should involve making sure it’s natural. We explained the main benefits of staying natural above.
With so many supplements causing unwanted side effects, natural alternatives are a surefire way to avoid headaches and sickness from a testosterone booster.
Ultimately side effects will RUIN your chances at increasing levels of testosterone over time. So sticking with well dosed and natural supplements are essential.
Proprietary blends – The risks
It’s fairly common to find you’ll get side effects from testosterone boosters that use ‘proprietary blends’.
These blends are basically a mixture of ingredients without any indication of the amounts that go into it.
Here’s what they look like;
What are the Best Testosterone Supplements?
You didn’t come here just to read “do testosterone supplements really work” did you? And sometimes a “How To” buying guide doesn’t always give you every drop of info for reassurance.
You also want to know which are the best testosterone boosters money can buy. Because at the end of the day, you’re a busy bro, you don’t have time to trawl the internet. Also, why should you? There’s lifting to be done instead!
That’s why we’ve put together a list of the very best testosterone boosters on the market. We’ve tried them, tested them, and sent them around the office for a rigorous trial. In the end, there were three that stood out head and shoulders above the others.
These testosterone boosters have been chosen for one reason – they have all been linked to significantly increase testosterone production – proving that testosterone boosters do work!
>>> See our best rated Testosterone Boosters available today <<<
There you have it, ladies and gentlemen, a full breakdown of the ultimate question on everyone’s lips: “Do Testosterone Supplements Really Work?”
If you were ever uncertain about testosterone supplements working, we hope that by now, you’re fully reassured on the many benefits a T-Booster has to offer.
Like we’ve already discussed, not all testosterone supplements are the same. Which is the reason for this article – to highlight the best ingredients, along with our favorite choices.
If you want more information, head over to our best testosterone boosters page, which contains another useful guide, and loads of information about using testosterone supplements.
What’s your thought? Have you used a testosterone supplement before? If so, share your results? Let us know in the comments section.