In a nutshell, this is the best muscle building, fat-shredding program we’ve come across in a very long time.
Spending 3 months on one workout program can feel like a daunting investment of your time and energy. But, if you’re wanting to build up an enviable, thick, and athletic frame, just 12 weeks of grit and sweat is what it will generally take.
Recently, we took the latest online workout program for a test drive. Here’s our Boss Workouts: Lean Mass Review and Results.
We got some great results from Boss Lean Mass
If you feel like your performance or physique is lacking, you’ve plateaued, or you just can’t get yourself engaged with the gym, Boss Workouts is most likely the answer to your problems. It certainly was for us.
At the end of our 12 weeks we saw:
- Increased strength
- Our leanest physique yet
- Expert trainer level knowledge on everything from recomposition to optimal programming
Is Boss Lean Mass Right for you?
Boss Lean Mass is a program that’s been written for both novice and experienced gym users who want to fast track their way to impressive amounts of new muscle, and better overall athletic performance.
You need to be a member of a gym to complete this program, which could be seen as a minor drawback. If you’re not a member of a gym, it might even be worth signing up to be able to run through this program and benefit from it. Seriously… who doesn’t want to be turning heads with a brand-new physique in a few months’ time?
It’s always good to start with knowledge of the exercises required, but if you don’t, fear not as Boss Workouts has coaching notes that are easily accessible for even the newest noob.
They tell you about each exercise through coaching points, images and even HD videos that are crisp and motivating.
That’s far better than the usual kind of standard we see.
Boss Workouts Lean Mass is the workout program for you if:
- You want to pack on new muscle and keep off fat
- You want to improve strength and performance
- You have a bit of time to get to the gym
- You want to build a sound knowledge of building muscle
- You have a gym membership or access to weights
What to expect from Boss Workouts: Lean Mass
Embrace your new education in building muscle and keeping lean
At the end of your 12-week program you’ll not just see the difference, but you’ll feel stronger and be able to lift a pretty surprising amount more too.
What you need to remember is that you need to stick to the easy to read program. Thanks to a well written eBook, brilliantly shot videos and in-depth glossary, this Lean Mass guide is simple, yet heavily science led.
Boss Lean Mass works, and it’s not afraid to tell you why it works either. By the end of the 12 weeks you’ll not only look sh*t hot, you’ll have the knowledge of how to build a better body composition, and a greater understanding of nutrition and exercise to match.
What do you get for the $90 cost?
Don’t be put off by that price tag. Boss Workouts contains a comprehensive nutrition and training guide, full set of videos to talk you through the workouts and some easy to complete training plans too.
They’ve kind of thought of everything. In fact, there’s so much good information in this course, it can be a bit of a big read. So, make sure you leave some free time and get nice and deep into the science of the program to get the best from it.
Here’s a full breakdown of everything we got with our Boss Workouts order:
- 10 High quality videos explaining the full Lean Mass program
- 93 Page Training Guide – Become an expert in training Lean Mass
- 73 Page Nutrition Guide – Highly scientific nutrition guide. Might need reading twice…
- Full meal plan with food you’d actually enjoy eating
- Online calculators and a pretty cool members area
- Printable workout log (We didn’t use this, but it’s handy!)
- Bonus Boss Workouts recipe guide
Who wrote/trains you in Boss Workouts: Lean Mass
Each Boss program has been written by leading industry experts and faces. We’re not just talking about a low-level wannabe personal trainer here or general fitness boffin, but fully certified nutritionists, fitness competitors and performance specialists.
We took the time to dig around and get the dirt on the people behind Boss Workouts Lean Mass and really see if their credentials stand up.
Jason Sani
Published author, competitor at the CrossFit games and weirdly, competitor on Relationshipped (a bad reality program), Jason has made waves in the fitness industry as a transformation specialist.
It’s impossible to deny that someone who looks as good as he does and has various published books doesn’t know what they are doing.
Lee Bell MSc
From what we can see, Lee is the science consultant behind the eBooks and resources. Lee is a British guy who’s been working in fitness for over 15 years. He’s a published academic, lecturer and consultant strength coach too.
After looking around we’ve found that Lee is published on high profile sites like T-Nation, Muscle and Strength and works closely with Universities and fitness companies to produce great coaches and trainers.
Sadly Lee doesn’t seem to have competed on any reality TV shows in Britain.
Boss Workouts: Lean Mass Program Breakdown
Like any online program, to get the most out of your sweat and tears you need to be in a place where you commit to the full term, in the case of Boss Lean Mass, this period is 12 weeks.
But, for those that are impatient, you might start to see results in as little as 4 weeks. You’ll probably feel results in the form of some intense DOMS right away, so don’t forget to stretch and take cold showers if you’re brave enough.
Here’s how Boss Lean Works to help you achieve the magic that is body recompotisiton.
Lean Mass Phases Overview
These two phases slot together perfectly. Complimenting both muscle building and fat loss. As they run in parallel they might seem a little daunting for complete novices but remember that Jason Sani is always a click away and his videos can provide valuable insights into what you are doing, how to do it and why you are doing it.
Unlike some programs we’ve tested, Boss Workouts haven’t over complicated the exercises in either Phase of Lean Mass. You’ll be using robust compound movements as a base, building up to more muscle growth using other key lifts that compliment them.
Phase #1
- Strength
- Muscle Stability
- Compound lifts
Phase one of Boss Lean Mass saw us approaching the gym to perform a series of fairly standard exercises. However, it quickly because obvious that these workouts have been designed to push your body to the max.
We felt tired after these workouts, but we also felt stronger. The video coaching will give you the confidence and the motivation to step up and perform your best every session. There’s a great blend of compound movements in Phase one of this program. We’d dare to say it’s something we’d not even seen before in our years of working within fitness either.
Just make sure you keep a record of what you are lifting!
Phase #2
- Volume
- Hypertrophy
- Definition
We found Phase #2 of Boss Lean Mass a little easier. This is more of a volume phase, which for some weird reason comes more naturally to us.
We’ve got one big word to sum up phase 2, and its PUMP.
The science behind Phase 2 and its high volume approach all boils down to achieving hypertrophy, the building of that sexy thick new muscle.
Remember, keep a log of reps and weights and use the videos for motivation! Also, if you miss a workout, because we did, just roll it on to the next day and knock the program back.
Boss Workouts Lean Mass Results
We mentioned above that we recognized this program was a major commitment, and whilst this was true, after about 1 week we couldn’t get enough of it.
Each workout has been so well thought out that it makes gym sessions completely immersive with your only focus as ticking off your exercise goals for that day and impressing your video trainer.
It might sound crazy, but for every time Jason Sani said, ‘Good job’, in the videos, we did a little internal bicep flex. Because we knew we were getting one step closer to building that all important Lean Mass.
Here’s our final numbers for strength improvements, weight/muscle mass improvements after running Boss Lean Mass:
- Starting weight – 195 lb. Finish weight 201 lb.
- Dropped body fat from 18-15%
Exercise improvements:
Bench press: before – 90 kg – after 125 kg
Deadlift: before – 110 kg – after 145 kg
Squat: before 95 kg – after 122.5 kg
We’re extremely pleased with that set of results from Boss Lean Mass. It’s the higher end of what you could expect from having a trainer yourself to help guide every single rep. The one difference though? It’s a whole 2 months wages cheaper.
The Drawbacks of Boss Workouts Lean Mass Program
We did run into a couple of setbacks during this program. Although they were nothing major, we thought they’d be best added to this review.
- Our app logged out us a couple of times mid workout
- The nutrition eBook could get quite sciency
- Had to keep track of macros if we ate out
- We needed to rest more (our mistake for not sleeping enough)
Boss Workouts: Lean Mass Review Concluding our 12 Weeks
Boss Workouts presents something the workout guide industry was lacking. A fully explained, well planned and entirely digital transformation experience.
We don’t really have any comparisons to similarly priced guides like Simply Shredded’s 12 Week Shred as they don’t exist.
You can buy as many eBooks as you want, but the value you will pale when you lack the online trainer and online tools you get with Boss Workouts.
Things you need to know if you plan on running with Boss Workouts to build up Lean Mass:
- Record all exercises, reps and weight
- Record your weight and even your bodyfat percentage when you start
- Read the eBook before you start (takes a couple of hours), make notes and teach others
- Then read the eBook alongside the program
- Use the videos if you are feeling demotivated
The only thing that’s required for Boss Workouts Lean Mass to work, is for you to work a little too. But with the motivation of Jason, and the science of what you’re doing to your body explained at every step, it’s less like work and more like a passion project.
By the end of Boss Workouts 12 weeks, we were itching for more. And thankfully there is.
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