3 months after completing Boss Workouts Shred you’ll finally achieve the body of your dreams.
Sound like a crappy sales and marketing cliche? It is. But it’s also undeniably true.
We were skeptical about anything that says it ‘guarantees to get you shredded’, because ‘getting shredded’ takes hard work, time and money.
With Boss Shred though, the science is all there. If you’re a 120kg man or woman with a lot of work to do, or 70kg and not far off single digit body fat, you’ll find that Boss Shred gets you leaner and stronger than any other program out there.
What’s the cost? Well, for us it was $90 and 3 months commitment to review the whole damn thing. But we got there. Just in time for summer. Here’s how we got insanely cut, with Boss Workouts Shred.
What to expect after using Boss Shred for 3 Months
Our weight cut went insanely well with Boss Shred. Not only did we cut down fat, but our fitness levels shot up and strength improved slightly too.
This workout program is about as serious as it gets when it comes to fat loss. By running Boss Shred for 12 weeks you can expect:
- Abs, you’ll see your abs that’ve been hiding all this time!
- Fitness levels that’ll fly through the roof
- Strength gains and new lean muscle
- A trainer level understanding of fat loss and muscle building
Who is Boss Workouts: Shred for?
If you’re wanting to achieve a total body transformation in 3 months, or just get a solid foundation for training for fat loss, then Boss Workouts: Shred is for you.
What we were taken aback with about this program, is the amount you actually learn as you run through it. Hell there’s $90 books on fat loss that tell you less than the information you get with this workout guide.
Predominately though, this is a pure fat loss program. Designed to shred you down while keeping hold, and even building some new muscle.
You need access to a gym to be able to complete this program. So make sure you get yourself signed up.Guy or girl, Boss Workouts is probably the best fat loss program you can buy right now.
Boss Workouts Shred is the program for you if:
- You want to become a lean, mean, shredded machine.
- You want to hold onto muscle whilst burning fat
- You want to improve athletic performance
- You have access to a gym
- You can be committed for a minimum of 1 month
>>> Learn more at BossWorkouts.com <<<
What to expect from Boss Workouts: Shred?
This isn’t going to be walk in the park. Sadly, to lose fat, you need to be in calorie deficit. If that’s put you off slightly then you probably want to reconsider this whole fat loss thing, because the only way you’ll be losing unwanted fat is by eating less.
But for those committed to busting away that belly (we had Christmas to eradicate), then Boss Workouts provides one of the most comfortable and effective way of doing so we’ve seen in a long time.
Remember, to get the most from this program you’ll need to maintain a calorie deficit for a 12 week period. And keep up your training throughout this period too.
There is a saving grace though, you have a video trainer with you the whole way which helps keep you stuck to your workouts. Don’t cheat either, because then the only person you’ll be cheating is your new six pack possessing self.
The gym workouts were pretty tough, but it was a lot of fun to keep progressing and keep that momentum going.
Here’s what you get when you order Boss Workouts: Shred –
11 videos explaining the program. 88 minutes of footage in total
111 Page e-book training guide
75 Page e-book nutrition guide
17 Page e-book recipe guide
Online body and nutrition calculation tools
Lifetime access
When you order the program you get access to a user area. This is pretty initiative and easy to understand and allows you to workout important stats when it comes to weight loss.
You go into each workout full understanding what you are doing and can use the online program to download coaching notes of any exercises you don’t understand.
During the day you know exactly what you should be hitting in terms of your macronutrients, keeping your diet in check is actually the hardest part. But don’t be tempted. Do you want a puffed up physique full of regret staring back at you in the mirror, or a brand new slim and fit version of yourself.
Who are the trainers behind Boss Shred?
Like Boss Lean Mass, which another one of SMB review, Boss Shred is another program written by Jason Sani, with some brilliant science resources provided by Lee Bell.
These two guys have been working within the fitness for years and are both actively involved in research and other cutting edge projects related to the industry.
What was refreshing was that this program contains heaps of science related to fat loss, and the money you pay for doesn’t just get you a run of the mill list of exercises. But instead explains everything you are doing and why you are doing it, bringing your knowledge up to a level that most personal trailers would be jealous of.
Lee Bell
Based in the UK, Lee is a trainer that gets deep in the details. Active in sports science research and writing for a load of major publications online, Lee is someone who takes a scientific approach to fitness. Getting you to reach your goals by understanding exactly how your body works.
Jason Sani
Jason is a competitive athlete, nutritionist and body transformation specialist from Arizona in the USA.
He is the embodiment of a fit and healthy lifestyle and has worked with celebrities, athletes and everyone in between. It’s Jason who you see presenting the videos that come along with the guides in Boss Workouts: Shred.
Using the Boss Workouts: Shred User Area

When you sign into Boss Shred’s user area you’ll see a tab marked tools. It contains a range of handy calculators which help you quickly discover your 1RM, BAI and your calorie intake all on one page.
As running this program requires you to be in a calorie deficit we strongly recommend you do. Otherwise you’re just pissing half of the money you pay up the wall.
The calculators in the user area seemed to be spot on and were a nice touch by Boss Workouts, who seem to be really focused on becoming the most concise all in one workout program out there.
Here’s what the different tools figure out and what those numbers mean (although it’s all in the guide if you buy…)
One Rep Max
This handy tool can show you what your max weight should be on certain lifts. Ideal if you are training alone and don’t want to risk injury/death by attempting to lift your max alone.
Use this before starting the Boss Program to figure out max lifts for the bigger exercises, then at the end of your 12 weeks you’ll be able to see where you’ve improved.
Body Adiposity Index
The guide talks about different ways to measure body fat, both those that you’ll be able to use in the real world, as well as those locked away in elite athlete labs. Thise BAI calculator will tell you roughly how much of your body is fat. As you’re looking to cut fat, then this is a great tool to have and something we’ve not found offered in any other online workout guides. Like with the 1RM, make a note of your results and check them throughout to make sure you are progressing.
Calorie Calculator
Probably the most important tool in the Boss Workouts user area. The calorie calculator lets you figure out the amount of calories you burn each day, including exercise. This is the number you need to be coming under in order to burn unwanted fat…and SHRED.
Boss Shred Phases Explained
This might be where Boss Workouts science clouds the program slighty, as the actual guide is laid out into phases.
It’s really self explanatory but we did trip over ourselves slightly when we jumped right into a gym session.
Phase 1 Example
Each session is laid into a circuit, so you’re not just doing a standard workout with rest periods in between, you’re actually working for set periods of time and fitting in the rep range around that exercise then moving on to the next exercise.
So the image above would work like this:
- Incline Bench Press 10 reps
Straight into
- Leg Press 10 Reps
Straight into
- Dumbbell Chest Fly 10 Reps
Straight into
- Squat 10 Reps
Repeat full circuit for 10 mins
Workouts are broken into HIRT sessions like the one above our Push and Pull days. Remember, the key though, isn’t to swan around like some bro on a unimaginative split, you’ve got to keep working and your heart rate up.
It’s horrible at first if you’ve not trained like it, but you quickly get fitter and start to love it.
>>> See the full Boss Shred Program Overview here <<<
Boss Workouts Shred: Our Results
We always knew that we were going to be Shredding down at the start of the year. And when we got asked to buy and test out Boss Shred, we got excited. We’d seen Shred online and knew both Lee Bell and Jason Sani were top of their game. So anything that they’d create, was surely going to work.
It did.
The program did seem a bit hard to understand at first and could be a little annoying at times, due to the sheer amount of stuff Jason has you doing, but it works. The explanations by Lee are really useful and discuss the why as well as the how.
There is science behind every single movement/meal and in this program has been thought out and be something that’ll contribute to the overall results.
Our fitness levels have shot up and we feel a little stronger than when we started, which is absolutely crazy given the fact you’re in a calorie deficit for most of this program.
Here’s the results we got from our 12 weeks on Boss Shred:
Starting Stats
93 kg (fluffy and carrying too much fat)
19% body fat
27 years old
Bench press – 115 kg
Squat – 130 kg
Deadlift – 137.5 kg
Pull-ups to failure – 13
Finishing stats
89 kg (lean and shredded)
9% body fat
Bench press – 125 kg
Squat – 142.5 kg
Deadlift – 160 kg
Pull-ups to failure – 21
Boss Workouts: Shred Review Concluding our 12 Weeks
Boss Workouts Shred was a great workout program to complete. Not only does the cost include a well shot set of helpful videos, but the eBooks are written to an extremely high standard.
Results wise you’ll start to see the fat falling off in as little as 2 weeks.
One tip we’d have for people is that they read the eBook at the start of the program and really get to grips with the workouts and meal plan, as for a completely beginner things could be a little complex.
The numbers don’t lie and we couldn’t be happier with the results we got from running Boss Shred. Remember though, it can get pretty tough at times, but cutting fat is no walk in the park.
And Boss Shred will cut a lot of unwanted fat.
>> Buy Boss Shred <<<