Testosterone Boosters

TestoFuel Vs Hunter Test

Which is the best test booster for your money?

For this article, we compare major league with major league in this TestoFuel vs Hunter Test review.

TestoFuel hit the market in 2012, has customers in 178 countries and boasts thousands of positive online reviews.

On the other hand, Hunter Test first became available in late 2018. That said, the newer Hunter brand has been generating a loud buzz online since it first came to market.

Our crack team analyze every last detail to help you decide which of these products is the best natural testosterone booster for you.

Similar ingredients

Hunter Test is designed for “outstanding men” who want to unlock “the secret to greater success” (testosterone). Although the busiest men tend to be older men, many of those under 30 have also written positive Hunter Test reviews.

TestoFuel is marketed more at those who want to build muscle. You may assume that TestoFuel and Hunter Test are completely different products. But a look at their respective ingredients shows these products are more alike than the marketing would suggest.

At $65 per bottle, TestoFuel is the least expensive of the two products (Hunter Test costs $75). So is the price difference justified? Does either product contain ingredients that could cause side effects? And can each product live up to its claims?

As in the case of every versus review, we consider these factors:

  • Brand authority and product
  • Ingredients and research
  • Serving sizes
  • Safety and side effects
  • Cost and value

Using the criteria above, we finish this article with final scores based on how well TestoFuel fares vs Hunter Test…

Brand authority and product

In this first section, we take a close look at the manufacturers behind the products. This will include the brands’ industry standings and histories, as well as their existing product ranges.

A brand’s reputation and popularity won’t always be echoed in the quality of a new product. But the manufacturer’s devotion to scientific research and quality are the kinds of reassuring signs we look for…


As we mentioned earlier, TestoFuel first became available in 2012 – and it was the product which helped launch Roar Ambition, a specialist supplement company based in Leeds, United Kingdom.

Roar Ambition also makes and sells 4 Gauge (pre-workout) and Instant Knockout (thermogenic fat burner). All of these products boast glowing reviews on the SMB website.

Less is more

The company says that by maintaining  small range of products, it can focus all its resources on ensuring high-quality standards and create supplements based on the latest research.

This is music to our ears. Having tried and reviewed hundreds of supplements in the past, we’ve noticed that the brands responsible for (at least) the top three products on our favorite testosterone boosters list focus their efforts on just a handful of products at most.

Roar Ambition also employs a direct-to-consumer business model. According to its customer-service team, this allows the company to regularly update its products without fear of older, outdated versions sticking around on Amazon, other online stores, or forgotten backstreet strip malls.

The company goes on to say this means that every time you buy TestoFuel, you can be sure you’re getting the latest and best version of that product. You can read our TestoFuel review here.

Hunter Test

Despite only being released in late 2018, Hunter Test is already widely considered to be one of the best supplements of its kind.

The testosterone booster is one of a “suite” of three products from the Hunter brand; the other two are Hunter Burn (fat burner) and Hunter Focus (pre-made nootropic stack).

Hunter makes what it calls “premium” supplements designed to “drive success”. The brand may not yet enjoy the history or reputation of TestoFuel or its makers, but Hunter’s runaway success means that it’s hard to ignore. Follow the link to read our Hunter Test review.

“Premium quality”

According to the brand website, Hunter products use “only the best natural and 100% non-GMO ingredients” – all of which are “backed by clinical studies”.

The product page promises higher-quality versions of must-have testosterone-boosting nutrients.

As well as higher-quality ingredients than you’d usually get in other, more run-of-the-mill, products, the whole Hunter range offer higher amounts and larger serving sizes to create “more potent” formulas. And the guys at Hunter weren’t kidding! Their flagship testosterone booster offers the largest serving sizes we’ve ever seen in a product of this kind.

Hunter also adheres to a similar direct-to-consumer model to Roar Ambition. And while this prevents bargain-hunting, it could also allow the Hunter to keep a tight grip on quality control. In theory, this means that with every purchase, you can rest easily knowing you’re buying the best version of Hunter Test at that very moment.

Ingredients and research

Considering that TestoFuel and Hunter Test are marketed to different types of men, it comes as a surprise that they contain many of the same ingredients. However, there are differences – which is why we’re writing this comparison piece.

In our review for TestoFuel vs Hunter Test, we reference scientific journals as evidence to support or dispute claims made on the products’ different websites.

What’s the first thing we notice about these products? Neither one uses proprietary blends – which is a great sign. Why? Because the transparent formulas make each product easy to examine…

Shared ingredients

Vitamin D3

Also known as cholecalciferol, vitamin D is not a vitamin – it’s actually a steroid-sex hormone [1]. The sun is widely thought to be the primary source of vitamin D. But even those who live in warm, sunny states or countries are among the 1 billion people on Planet Earth who are deficient in the key nutrient [2].

And that’s too bad. Why? Because science shows direct links between low vitamin D levels are low testosterone [3].

By contrast, those who get the most vitamin D3 appear to find it easier to build muscle [4], enjoy stronger bones (reducing injury) [5], have more energy [6] and look and feel stronger [7].

The Vitamin D Council recommends supplementing your diet with 5000 IU to reduce the symptoms of deficiency [8]. With this in mind, you’ll be pleased to know both Hunter Test and TestoFuel contain the amount recommended by experts.

Vitamin K2

Working in tandem with vitamin D3, K2 helps prevent calcification – the buildup of calcium in the arteries [9] that can occur when you take a lot of vitamin D.

K2 is also known as menaquinone. And according to at least one study, it isn’t just a spotter to vitamin D either – it could also boost testosterone in its own right [10].

D-aspartic acid

Along with D3, D-aspartic acid (D-AA) is one of two must-have ingredients in any testosterone booster.

The non-essential amino acid has been shown to help regulate testosterone synthesis [11]. In fact, the available research shows D-AA supplementation could boost testosterone noticeably within just 6-12 days [12].

In one study by D’Aniello S. et al, D-AA was even shown to boost testosterone by up to 60% and sperm counts by up to 100% [13].

Hunter Test contains a daily serving of 3000mg of D-AA – which is almost double the amount in TestoFuel (1600mg) – and so the newer product wins here.

Asian red Panax ginseng

Asian ginseng has been used for centuries for its fabled ability to boost the user’s libido and virility. Unlike many other herbs used in traditional medicine, Asian ginseng is backed by research.

While many herbs use the ginseng name, the Asian form is known as “true ginseng”. This is because it contains more ginsenosides – the active ingredient that gives the herb its testosterone-boosting power [14].

So if you see the words “Siberian ginseng” or even “American ginseng” on product labels – be aware that Asian (or Panax) ginseng is the only one shown to boost testosterone [15].

The Asian ginseng in Hunter Test is standardized to 5% ginsenosides. As the TestoFuel label does not refer to the strength of its ginseng, it’s safe to assume that it uses the more common (and weaker) form with 2-3% of the active ingredient. Hunter Test wins on this one.

TestoFuel unique ingredients

Fenugreek seed (100mg)

Found almost exclusively in Indian cuisine, fenugreek is shown to boost testosterone and is most well-known for its libido-enhancing effects. It is thought to be an aromatase inhibitor [16] – which it could help stop the body from converting testosterone to estrogen (the female hormone).

Unless you eat Indian food on a daily basis, it can be hard to get enough fenugreek to boost testosterone – which is why supplementation may be necessary if you’re looking to take advantage of the plant’s anabolic effects.

Oyster powder (100mg)

The richest-known source of zinc, oyster powder contains 59 trace nutrients – all of which are not only essential for general health; they’re also vital for building muscle and raising your testosterone.

Where’s the science? Well, research suggests zinc helps the body release more of the Luteinizing hormone – a major precursor to the male hormone [17].

Hunter Test unique ingredients

Ashwagandha (300mg)

Otherwise known as Withania somnifera, ashwagandha is a herb – and its name translates from Sanskrit as “smell of horse”. It’s unclear what this refers to – some say it’s because the herb smells like horses, while others say it has that name because it can make you as “strong as a stallion”.

Regardless, research shows ashwagandha may boost testosterone, increase power output [19], improve running capacity and speed up recovery [18]. It may also reduce stress and depression [19], as well as fatigue [20].

Indole-3-carbinol (200mg)

Found in members of the Brassica family (broccoli, cauliflower etc.), indole-3-carbinol (I3C) is the compound thought to give green vegetables their cancer-fighting power [21].

But does it boost testosterone? Well, not exactly – not directly. It works more as an estrogen blocker [22], which could allow the body to produce more testosterone.

Serving sizes

In many ways, TestoFuel and Hunter Test are similar products. But nothing sets these products apart more than their different serving sizes…

Each box of TestoFuel contains 120 capsules – a serving of four capsules per day, which is about standard in the supplement industry. However, some testosterone boosters offer two capsules per day – and that may give you too much of certain nutrients in one hit.

In contrast to TestoFuel, every Hunter Test bottles comes with 180 capsules – that’s six capsules per day! This makes Hunter Test a more potent product which more than justifies the higher price.

It allows Hunter Test to give users more effective amounts of key nutrients without overloading the body – perfect for older men over 30 looking to recapture their youth. That said, the 120 capsules found in TestoFuel should be enough for most men.

Safety and side effects

When we recommend testosterone boosters to friends, family or other gym goers – the two things they ask is “are you sure it’s safe?” and “does it cause side effects?”

And naturally, you’ll also be concerned about safety and comfort. To find out whether these products are safe, read on…


All the ingredients in TestoFuel are 100% natural. Meanwhile, the lack of proprietary blends ensures the amount of each nutrient is specified on the product label. This in turn lets you see that all are safe to take.

Some online sources suggest that fenugreek could cause bloating and gas [23], but we could not find any research papers to support this.

A small amount of research suggests D-aspartic acid could cause headaches [24]. However, this is not mentioned in most of the research we’ve seen.

Oyster extract is not suitable for anyone with seafood allergies. But unless you’re allergic to any of its ingredients, TestoFuel is highly unlikely to cause side effects.


Check Latest TestoFuel Price


Hunter Test

Also 100% natural and free from proprietary blends, Hunter Test is designed to be “clean”. As a result, it uses all non-GMO ingredients  and is free from artificial colors, flavors and preservatives, as well as soy and gluten.

We’ve read some reviews which suggest indole-3-carbinol can cause nausea, although we can’t find any research to corroborate this.

Check Latest Hunter Test Price


Made in the USA and UK

Both Hunter Test and TestoFuel are made to FDA regulations in the US and cGMP guidelines in the UK. As the Hunter website points out, many brands mass produce their supplements “in the Far East to cut costs”.

But as both these testosterone boosters are made under stricter conditions, you can take peace of mind from knowing that the products are more likely to be free from contamination.

Cost and value

TestoFuel cost

One bottle: $65/£39

Two bottles: $130/£78 with free US and UK shipping

Three bottles + one free: $195/£117 with free worldwide shipping

Hunter Test

One bottle: $75/£55

Two bottles: $150/£110 with free US and UK shipping

Three bottles + one free: $225/£165 with free US and UK shipping

While Hunter Test is the more expensive of the two products, both supplements offer similar deals. In both cases, buying three bottles gets you one free bottle – which amounts to a saving of 33%.

If these products use similar ingredients, why is Hunter Test more expensive? Well, the latter uses larger portions and serving sizes; it even uses slightly better forms of different ingredients in some cases. As we say on our best testosterone boosters page, Hunter Test is for the kind of man who’s willing to pay more to upgrade from the BMW to the Ferrari.

TestoFuel is more of an everyman product – one which suits the needs of a wide cross-section of men. That’s clear from the positive testimonials from men of all ages – including former Mr. Olympia Robby Robinson, who says he uses TestoFuel to help him stay in shape as he gets older (he’s now in his seventies!).

With this in mind, we’d say TestoFuel represents slightly better value for money than Hunter Test (but it’s very close).

Pros and cons

TestoFuel pros:

  • All-natural – unlikely to cause side effects
  • Contains a wealth of well-researched testosterone-boosting ingredients
  • 5000 IU of D3 recommended by Vitamin D Council
  • Costs less than Hunter Test
  • Wide appeal (despite muscle-based marketing)

Hunter Test pros:

  • Higher-quality ingredients
  • 100% natural – free from harmful synthetic chemicals
  • Free from all the most common allergens
  • Larger serving sizes
  • Uses optimal amounts of key ingredients like D3, D-AA and ashwagandha

TestoFuel cons:

  • Lower serving sizes – formula not as potent as Hunter Test
  • Only available direct from testofuel.com

Hunter Test cons:


The battle of TestoFuel vs Hunter Test is the closest we’ve come to a tie in any comparison piece so far.

And no wonder! Both products are excellent – and it’s been very hard to find fault in either one.

If Hunter Test was the same price as TestoFuel, it may have just beaten the latter to the finish line. After all, it uses larger serving sizes and higher amounts of key testosterone-boosting ingredients like D-aspartic acid and Asian ginseng.

Hunter Test also uses slightly higher-quality versions of certain ingredients. For example, it uses a stronger form of ginseng.

A true everyman product

That said, TestoFuel is a similar product to Hunter Test in many ways. It may not have the “premium” branding, but that shouldn’t matter. The less expensive booster uses the same must-have ingredients in good amounts – and its lower servings should more than enough for most men. In every respect, TestoFuel and Hunter Test are pretty much tied.

While this race was the closest yet, we have made an editorial decision to make the TestoFuel the winner. Its sheer value for money and outright quality make it hard to beat overall.

Here are the winners in each category:

  • Brand authority and product: TestoFuel
  • Ingredients and research: Hunter Test
  • Serving sizes: Hunter Test
  • Safety and side effects: Draw
  • Cost and value: TestoFuel

TestoFuel score: 3/5

Hunter Test score: 3/5

To learn more, or to buy TestoFuel, go to www.testofuel.com

*Individual results may vary. Please speak with your doctor or physician before undertaking any new weight reduction, supplement, or exercise regime.


  1. Brown, J. (2019). Should everyone be taking vitamin D?. [online] Bbc.com. Available at: http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20181010-do-vitamin-d-supplements-work [Accessed 30 Apr. 2019].
  2. Naeem, D. (2019). Vitamin D Deficiency- An Ignored Epidemic. [online] PubMed Central (PMC). Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3068797/ [Accessed 30 Apr. 2019].
  3. Jmvh.org. (2019). Vitamin D Correlation with Testosterone Concentration in Male US Soldiers and Veterans. [online] Available at: https://jmvh.org/article/vitamin-d-correlation-with-testosterone-concentration-in-male-us-soldiers-and-veterans/ [Accessed 26 Apr. 2019].
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  5. Bischoff-Ferrari, H.A. et al. Fall prevention with supplemental and active forms of vitamin D: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. BMJ. 2009 Oct 1;339:b3692.
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  7. Tomlinson, P.B. et al. Effects of vitamin D supplementation on upper and lower body muscle strength levels in healthy individuals. A systematic review with meta-analysis. J Sci Med Sport. 2015 Sep;18(5):575-80.
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  10. Ito, A. et al. Menaquinone-4 enhances testosterone production in rats and testis-derived tumor cells. Lipids Health Dis. 2011; 10: 158
  11. Topo, E. et al. The role and molecular mechanism of D-aspartic acid in the release and synthesis of LH and testosterone in humans and rats. Reprod Biol Endocrinol. 2009 Oct 27;7:120
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  13. D’Aniello, S. et al. D-aspartate, a key element for the improvement of sperm quality. Adv. Sex. Med. 2012; 2: 47–53
  14. Frank, K. et al (2018). Panax ginseng Research Analysis. [online] Examine.com. Available at: https://examine.com/supplements/panax-ginseng/ [Accessed 30 Apr. 2018].
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  17. Root, A., Duckett, G., Sweetland, M. and Reiter, E. (1979). Effects of Zinc Deficiency Upon Pituitary Function in Sexually Mature and Immature Male Rats. The Journal of Nutrition, 109(6), pp.958-964.
  18. Wankhede, S. et al. Examining the effect of Withania Somnifera supplementation on muscle strength and recovery: a randomized controlled trial. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2015 Nov 25;12:43.
  19. Chandrasekhar, K. et al. A Prospective, Randomized Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of Safety and Efficacy of a High-Concentration Full-Spectrum Extract of Ashwagandha Root in Reducing Stress and Anxiety in Adults. Indian J Psychol Med. 2012 Jul-Sep; 34(3): 255–262.
  20. Cooley, K. et al. Naturopathic care for anxiety: a randomized controlled trial ISRCTN78958974. PLoS One. 2009 Aug 31;4(8):e6628. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0006628.
  21. Sarkar, F.H. and Li, Y. Indole-3-carbinol and prostate cancer. J Nutr. 2004 Dec;134(12 Suppl):3493S-3498S.
  22. Michnovicz, J.J. et al. Changes in levels of urinary estrogen metabolites after oral indole-3-carbinol treatment in humans. J Natl Cancer Inst. 1997 May 21;89(10):718-23.
  23. WebMD (2019). Fenugreek: Uses, Side Effects, Interactions, Dosage, and Warning. [online] Webmd.com. Available at: https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-733/fenugreek [Accessed 30 Apr. 2019].
  24. D-aspartic acid supplementation combined with 28 days of heavy resistance training has no effect on body composition, muscle strength, and serum hormones associated with the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis in resistance-trained men.

Disclaimer:  The information on this site has not been evaluated by the FDA. The products on this page are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Results in description and Testimonials may not be typical results and individual results may vary. We may earn commission if you click the links and buy the products featured on this page.

This post was last modified on October 13, 2021 7:54 am

Published by
Chad Stan

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