Testosterone is the holy grail of all the male hormones. It controls muscles, beard growth, libido and even regulates protein synthesis – helping your body store less fat.
When you get to the ripe of age of 30, your test levels slowly start to decline; at a rate of around 1% per year.
Now, if you’re reading this hoping that watching porn is going to be a surefire way to boost up testosterone levels, you are in luck…sort of.
There’s a lot to be said about your brain on porn. But one thing that’s for sure, is there is an increase an increase in t-levels when you’re watching your favorite Lisa Ann video.
A clinical study on 12 volunteers has proven this – by the way if anyone knows where we can sign up for these studies, comment below.
So yes, watching porn will technically increase your testosterone levels. BUT what we need to look at now is how long this spike lasts for and if its of any use when it comes to training…
Abstinence – Does Refraining Altogether Affect Testosterone?
So we know that viewing porn can cause a spike in the male sex hormone testosterone. But does this spike benefit you in the long term and can you utilize it to improve athletic performance?
Well, you may have heard the countless stories about pro athletes being made to abstain from any form of masturbation or sex before competition.
The theory was that this helps build up testosterone and makes you perform better in a fight/sporting event.
Muhammad Ali did it, Linford Christie did it and the whole of the England soccer team were forced to do it by their coach Fabio Capello. You read that right, a forced dry spell so you can kick a ball round a pitch.
But here’s the real kicker; studies proved that this didn’t have any bearing on testosterone levels or performance.
So even if you let it all out a few hours before a gym session, with porn or not, you’re likely to make no gains or losses in terms of T. Just make sure you wash your hands before picking up the bar.
Back to the porn and testosterone.
Studies conducted found that while you see an increase in testosterone after viewing erotic images or film, these levels plummet back down after ejaculation – as happens in any instance.
But if you didn’t cum…
In one study by Hellhammer et al, men were ask to just watch the a selection of films comprised of; sexual, aggressive, stressful and neutral material.
JUST WATCH, being key words here…which can be pretty hard to do.
The men who were treated to the sexual films experienced a spike in testosterone levels as high as 35% – peaking 1 hour and 30 after the film finished.
Ultimately, if you’re exposed to sexual imagery you’re testosterone levels will rise. If you masturbate after the porn they will most likely normalize or drop…and…
Figured it out yet?
If you don’t cum after viewing porn and can make it to the gym, you’ll likely experience some minor benefits in performance and competitiveness.
Abstinence altogether does not work, you have to get yourself worked up.
Ever wondered why your deadlift 1RM goes up when a hot girl in yoga pants is watching? Probably, maybe, slightly for this reason.
Whilst porn does generally increase testosterone levels, it’s probably going to be marginal when you’re having to watch it hunched over your phone, in your Prius, outside the gym.
And if you are going to try and porn your way to more testosterone, just remember no touching and leave it an hour or so before walking into the gym…this is when it’ll peak, and you’ll have more time to let your erection go down.
Want to know the secret to improve your testosterone level without having to resort to watching porn all the time? Check out our best testosterone booster page and discover the secret!
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