
Use Deadlifts To Increase Testosterone

Struggling with your muscle gains? Then we recommend that you use the power of deadlifts to increase testosterone brah. 

If a thick back and a sculpted, defined overall physique is what you desire, then you’re definitely not alone. If this is your goal, then regularly performing the deadlift can send you a long way.

Not only will you look better aesthetically, but your overall performance in other exercises can be greatly benefited, with increased power and strength when you perfect the deadlift.

Here’s just some of the benefits that you can enjoy when you incorporate deadlifts into your routine:

  1. Muscle Growth – Send your gains to the next level as you build size.
  2. Testosterone Increase – Increase your sex drive, as well as your performance in the gym.
  3. Increased Strength – Push out those few extra reps with ease.

Which Muscle Groups Does The Deadlift Work?

Deadlifts are an exercise which falls under the compound lifting category, along with squats and the bench press, just to name a couple.

All three of these exercises are used by powerlifters across the world, and have been for several years. Why? because they build strength, muscle mass, and power.

Compound movements work more than one muscle group, so they should be some of the exercises that you should incorporate regularly into your routine.

Isolation exercises are great too, but only when used in conjunction with compound lifts. If you want those mad gains, then compound lifting is the way forward brah.

Deadlifts are a fantastic all round muscle builder, and can contribute heavily to testosterone increase. Here’s the primary muscle groups worked when performing deadlifts:

How Do I Perform A Deadlift Correctly?

As with any exercise, correct form is absolutely essential when performing the deadlift. If you fail to execute the move correctly, then this can be a sure fire way to get yourself injured. Ain’t no one got time for that brah.

Here’s the principles you need to follow in order to perform a deadlift successfully, and in a safe manner:

As well as focusing on form, it’s important to lift a weight that you’re comfortable with. You’re not going to be able to lift as much as Eddie Hall, particularly if you’re a beginner. So don’t be a fool.

Sure, you need to lift heavy and focus on progressive overload, but you also need to make sure you don’t end up in the emergency room any time soon.

How Does The Deadlift Boost Testosterone?

As the deadlift is a compound exercise, which you already know by now works more than one muscle group, then it is perfect for achieving greater levels of testosterone.

It works the largest muscle groups in your body, and increases the amount of stress on your body (in a good way). More stress on the muscles = bigger gains.

When used in addition to isolation based exercises, then deadlifts along with other compound lifts are great to achieve higher testosterone.

We recommend that you perform your compound lifts first though, as it’ll take more strength and power to perform them in comparison to isolation based exercises.

Testosterone Building Deadlift Workout

There are a few different variations of deadlifts out there, which includes the likes of the regular deadlift, stiff-legged deadlift, Romanian deadlift, and sumo deadlift.

We recommend that you try a variety of them within your routine in order to target different areas of the back and legs.

The trick is to lift heavy with proper form, so if you find that your form is being sacrificed, then don’t be afraid to decrease the weight, and gradually increase it over time.

If you’re looking for a workout to follow to boost your deadlift, then here’s one for you bro:

  • RDL (Warmup): 3 sets of 10,8,6 reps
  • Deadlift: 3 sets of 5 reps
  • Barbell Shrug: 5 sets of 6 reps
  • Seated Leg Curl: 4 sets of 6 reps
  • Seated Calf Raise: 4 sets of 6 reps
  • Weighted Ab Crunch: 4 sets of 6 reps

As you’ll notice, this is a deadlift-centered workout in which compound exercises are performed first. Shortly followed by isolation exercises, this will allow you to achieve a proportional physique.

When you perform this routine 1-2 times per week, then you can achieve optimal muscle gains, and improve your overall performance in the gym.

But remember, lift heavy, and ensure that your workouts are of a high intensity in order to maximize your muscle and testosterone gains.


So there you have it, deadlifts are most definitely a great way to boost your testosterone, build muscle, and improve your overall performance in the gym.

If your testosterone levels need enhancing, then we recommend that you incorporate deadlifts into your routine.

But if you’re looking to go one step further, then we recommend that you consider a natural testosterone booster.

If you want to learn more about them, then take a look at our guide to the top 10 testosterone boosters here.

More deadlift heavy articles you might like: 

[Updated Jan 2019]

This post was last modified on February 1, 2019 10:17 am

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